Head: Spiderman Doctor Octopus
Rest: 2009 Ugnaught
Leopold Kurtz was one of the scientists involved with Cobra's Project Ragna Rok. I read the Hellboy comic quite some time before I received the head, on top of a Shocker figure, from an eBay seller. Once I studied the head, I was reminded of the comic book character, and set about trying to find parts for this custom. Diminutive characters are hard to come by, but when I stumbled across this Ugnaught figure, I knew I had the rest of my parts. The Ugnaught figure neckball was way too big for the Doc Octopus head, and there wasn't enough material in the Doc Octopus head to drill out, without breaking through the sides of the figure. I solved this by putting a second 'neckball' on the Ugnaught, and filling the Doc Octopus head with hot glue.