Head: Outback
Torso: Unproduced Ninja Commando Road Pig
Arms: MK Liu Kang
Waist: ?
Legs: Street Fighter Sagat
Polly: modified with mask and added Pirates of the Caribbean weapon
Sword: POTC
Port hole armor: old watch and POTC sword sash
Anchor chain: VvV Alpine, necklace, and Shipwreck's hooks
Shipwreck has spent a lot of time traveling the inland rivers of 3rd world Asian countries tracking down pirates. In that time he's picked up some knowledge of hand to hand combat and taking on aggressive pirates. Shipwreck will adapt to whatever the situation calls for. If that means using whatever weapons are at his disposal and sneaking up on his enemies to achieve the mission goals then that is exactly what he will do.
Mayday: "On my first encounter with Shipwreck, he made a pass at me. On my second encounter with Shipwreck, he was telling us Greenshirts about a time Cobra was trying to take over a cargo ship containing some beam emitter. He rushed out of his bunk to find Cesspool topside. He fended off their attack with nothing but his bare hands wearing only his boxers. When I called his story a bunch of bull, he replied, 'Just ask Cesspool who put that big scar on his face the next time you see him.' "
This custom was made for Chat Custom Contest #2. Our objective was to transform Joes and Cobras into Ninjas who normally aren't...and to have fun with a not so serious contest. In this case I had to turn a salty seaman into a deadly ninja assassin.