Head: Baroness (Single Card)
Torso and legs: Bombstrike
Arms: Cover Girl (Comic Pack)
Hands: Mon Mothma (Ep 3 SW)
Waist: Flint (ST)
Belt: Razorclaw
Garrison cap: Dremeled BBI
Dragonuv: Marauder, Inc.

A year or so back, I had someone ask me if I'd sell my original Vorona custom. As a compromise, I suggested I'd build another, but as I didn't have all the same parts, this second would be similar but unique.

The head I already had from an attempt to sand off the Baroness's glasses, and I wanted to take advantage both of sculpt evolution (shoulders) and my own skills, namely the swivel wrists. For the paint scheme, I tried for something closer to the comic book version.

The communication with the buyer was good, all throughout the creation and pricing process -- up until the point to exchange addresses and make the final deal. :( Ah well. Luckily, I haven't yet used Vorona in the dio yet, so I don't have to blow her up to change her appearance like I did with Cover Girl :shifty:

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