Head-BBI figure
Body, Arms, Lower Legs-whatever Hasbro called Ripcord in the Assault on Cobra Island pack
Upper legs-POC Zartan in Joe disguise
Helmet-BBI figure
Goggles-BBI figure
Mask-Mynock Hunt Han Solo
Rifle-Original Ripcord figure
modded torso to add middle flap and collar padding.

I like Ripcord, and I don't like ret-conning things. Therefore I made Ripcord as I saw him.

I used this same head sculpt for my original JvsC ripcord. I liked the head so much I wanted to use it for him again.

Once the figure was done I gave him an overall repaint bringing him closer inline with the original figure and cartoon / comic book look.

I also wanted to add some detail to his great parachute gear so I dirtied that up a bit bringing out the great sculpt Hasbro did on this.

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