Exo Squad Veritech Fighter
Conquest X-30 (TRU Exclusive 2003)
Extra Gun from Exo Squad Veritech Fighter
Cobrastickers.com Jetfire Decal Set and Autobot symbol set
When Jetfire joined the GI Joe/Transformers Force, initially he was assigned to take the alt form of a Skystriker (you may have seen photos), but he was extremely unhappy with the maneuverability of the Skystriker's form. He pleaded to be able to use his Cybertronian alt form, but was denied by the top brass. When the Conquest X-30 entered into service, Jetfire was all over it. The forward swept wings reminded him of designs from Cybertron. He tested the form without consent and found it to be much more desirable and highly maneuverable. He received no argument after displaying his abilities as a Conquest X-30.