Hat: Abe Lincoln lego figure
Vest: Hobbit figure
Head: Dollar General Duke with sculpted on details
Upper Torso and Arms: Recondo
Legs: Various Cobra Commander figures
Belt: Storm Shadow

I'd been working on and off with Bill Cutting from Gangs of New York for well over a year now. I think I finally got him here I wanted to get him.

It took a bit to track down something that resembled the vest look I wanted, and finally found that by seeing the vests from the Hobbit figures. The head was a challenge as well, as I wanted it to look like the actor as much as possible. I realized after scouring heads for a year that I would have to sculpt one, which I wasn't looking forward too. I figured I would have multiple takes and tries to get it right, but luckily, the first time turned out exactly how I wanted it.

I really liked the movie from the minute I saw it in the theater years ago and Daniel Day Lewis did an incredible job acting in it. When I rewatch it, I mostly do it for his acting.

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