Head - MU Gladiator (sculpted the hair)
Torso and logs - MU Crossbones
Arms - Retaliation Roadblock
Hat - Marauder Task Force
Web gear / harness - Retaliation Flint

Heavy Duty, Monkeywrench and Roadblock were three of the G.I. Joe characters who stayed too long in my customs to-do list. I wanted to use a ROC Stone torso for Heavy Duty, but each time I get one, it ends up becoming a different character. Until recently I've tried boil and pop method to attach G.I. Joe arms into a MU torso to see if it would work (because G.I. Joe shoulder pegs are bigger than MU shoulder pegs) and it worked! I was able to attach Retaliation Roadblock arms into a MU Crossbones torso, and I have a base for Heavy Duty!

I was waiting for modern parts to custom a Monkeywrench figure, but in the end I ended up using old parts which was there in my fodder box for a long time. If I hadn't waited, I could have created a Monkeywrench long time ago.

I almost didn't want to custom a Roadblock figures because plenty have created one already using a Retaliation Roadblock figure as base. But I currently have a personal project I call "G.I. Joe Team Alpha" and I needed a Roadblock custom figure. So here he is!
Hope you like my take on these characters!

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