Head-cast of club exclusive don't remember which caster I got it from

Torso, Upper Arms, Upper Legs-POC Beachhead

Lower Arms-Rise of Cobra Cobra Trooper

Lower Legs-Resolute Snake Eyes

Helmet-Night Viper cast, monocle from broken Voltar club cast

Gun Holsters-Retaliation GiJoe Trooper

Gun-Vintage Dial Tone modded

Backpack-Vintage Voltar

Chest Holster-Cut from a 25th GiJoe figure

Various pouches and Star Wars comlink accessory placed on belt.

General Voltar

I know I know. Everyone hates Voltar. I don't. I remember playing Contra on the NES when this figure came out and for some reason I felt he fit in perfectly with that game, that along with the copious amounts of Star Trek The Next Generation I was watching at that time during it's second season I saw Voltar as a Contra/Star Trek hybrid character. As I went about coming up with build ideas for this figure I realized that certain elements of the character were not working for me. The overly complex helmet and fins didn't work for me. I felt that instead of looking like a General he came across to me as a circus character. Thankfully my casted helmet (that I got years ago shrunk in size and broke), therefore I went about thinking of how I would re-design his helmet to something more fitting of a General. I kept the overall shape and the bit of tech which always screamed "Voltar" to me, and that was the eye magnifier. That began to give me ideas about his overall uniform and I wanted him "plated up' with various armor but his confidence and arrogance would not allow him to "hide" in camo, so I went about coming up with a color red/purple/violet that worked for me. There have been some really awesome customs of Voltar and I definitely borrowed bits and pieces from those that inspired me here. I did like the idea of him keeping his gold armor but also wanted to mix it in with black and just put the gold on various bits to showcase that Voltar egalitarian attitude. Finally unlike my custom Scoop I considered designing a new backpack for him but took another look at the vintage and picked one up for cheap on ebay. Just adjusted the peg hole to fit modern figures and moved it up to fit the new figure. I decided to drop his "bird" and instead felt that his backpack is truly for communication to be able to control his army of Iron Grenadiers remotely regardless of the challenges on the field.

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