Beachhead V2
Ace V2
MP5A4 with flashlight and double mag - Marauder
Helmet - Marauder

Code Name: CHORE

File Name: Walter Jenkins
Primary Military Specialty: Hostage Rescue
Secondary Military Specialty: Armorer
Birthplace: Jolly, Texas
Grade: E-4

Chore is impulsive and irresponsible off of the battlefield. He's the life of the party and absolutely hilarious--but when on the battlefield he is stoic and the best soldier to have in your squad. He never loses his cool but has an unpredictable wild animal mentality in combat. Everyone thought Beachhead was a loner until they met Chore. They are best friends and have an odd dynamic together. Clearly they've shared many successful dangerous rescue missions together.

"If his high jinks off the battlefield weren't a thing this guy would outrank most all of us. We call him Triple D's endearingly cuz he's a Delta Delta. Third D is his Distinguished Service Cross. I always follow his lead into a heavily occupied enemy structure," Chore feels that he redeems himself with selfless valor on the battlefield for his selfishly crazy life off of it.

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