Customized Warthog, customized HISS 1, APC truck customized as cabriolet, repainted ASP, customized Demon, ATV with 3 axles from Lanard, trailer with searchlight from Chap Mei, three small flying vehicles from Chap Mei, a Honda motorcycle from Maisto customized as quarto-cycle and a self-made fantasy vehicle with tractor wheels.

I am a fan of SF movies, in particular early SF movies. The idea of this diorama has its source in mixing "Starship Troopers" and "Them". The latter one is a SF movie about giant ants made in the early 1950s.

The story of this diorama consists of a large team searching the desert for missing people, using among other things, a self-made ragtag tank (Demon). Upon sighting their remains - represented by 6 skeletons - they come under attack by giant tiger insects and ants. In the background a group of bad guys is waiting in order to finish off what may be left of the rescue team. Besides, the rear of the rescue team is being attacked by three large fantasy wolves from the series Spawn. The rescue team is represented by 36 action figures, mostly Hasbro. The bad guys are 6 Cobra figures and 3 figures from Lanard. There are 14 fantasy tiger insects I made of clothes-pegs, electric wire, flower wire and used-up pens. The 22 ants are cheap rubber figures. The big palm trees are made of wood and painted paper, while the small palm trees are made of parts of plastic plants stuck into painted used-up pens. The cave the animals arise from is made of packing paper glued on a wooden self-made frame.

By the way, the customization of the vehicles shown is the outcome of repairs of incomplete vehicles I bought. Besides that this Hasbro product line is no longer available in Brazilian shops, I do not want to spend too much money with this hobby. Building dioramas by use of cheap and basic materials provides much pleasure because it boosts my creativity and distracts me after a day or week of stressful work.. More photos of that diorama are available at Photobucket under the user klausmerkel.

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