Whole Figure: Beachhead v5
(Holy Cow!! I didn't use but one figure for a change!!!)

Hat: Shipwreck v4
Both rifles, assorted packs, pouchs, canteens
Vest: Crosshair v1

Hollow-Point, GI Joe's 1st non-military recruit.

Hollow-Point did not come up through the ranks of the sniper training programs of the Navy, Army or the Marines. Instead he began his career as a police officer in Los Angeles. After a few years, he qualified for the SWAT team and found that the position of sniper was his calling. He then went to work for the FBI and, again, after a few years, became a member of the HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) and became their lead sniper. After the HRT took out a Cobra stronghold, he came to the attention of the GI Joe team.

"Hollow-Point's fellow GI Joe team members initially didn't like the fact that he came from civilian law enforcement rather than a military unit, until they heard that Navy SEALs and Delta Force members wash out of the HRT training more often than not, that got him some respect. That and the fact he consistently out-shoots Lowlight at every qualifying match!"---Hawk

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