Head, hat, and Chest: Gung-Ho
Upper Arms: Tele-Vper
Lower Arms, lower legs, and waist: Shipwreck
Upper Legs: Tunnel Rat

Repeater was one of my favorite figures as a kid. I liked that he was fairly realistic with a touch of the future added with the steady-cam machine gun. I made sure to add the steady-cam with a bent paper clip that I bored into the gun and hooked onto a sculpted fitting on Repeater's belt.

I decided to update him with a mini-gun for greater rate of fire. I used the back pack from the jungle fatigue shipwreck because it looked fairly square...like a big box of ammo with some pouches for utility on the outside. I am fairly happy with this figure, but need to get a darker green paint to make the digital camo stand out better.

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