Head: Secto Viper
Torso: Secto Viper
Arms: Secto Viper
Crotch: Road Pig
Thighs: Secto Viper
Feet: Secto Viper

I was painting up a Junked BUGG so I could unload it faster, when I hit upon the yellow/black color scheme on the BUGG mk II I was like that is totally the colors of Secto Viper.

I had a less than stellar conditioned Secto with a broken crotch so he got the paint treatment. I used masking tape to keep the paint off of some yellow parts on the legs. (Yellow is a pain to paint, any way you try.) My whole idea with this figure was to try and reverse the colors of the v1 Secto; I think it turned out very well.

I'm really happy with how the masking worked and will be sure to try it again. I hope Scramble will be happy with it up in our Great Northern Neighbor.

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