Head, torso: Mutt (DTC)
Arms, waist, legs: Red Spot (dyed by Raptor)

Helmet: Red Spot
Laser: Star Brigade
Power Pack: BBI commo pack with Gundam jetpack

Thanks to Raptor for the Red Spot dyed parts, from his Secret Santa gift to me!

Thankfully, they fit nicely on the Mutt torso which gives the character both a military (from the dark green color) and laser (red vest) feel. I'd thought that maybe the young face and dark hair would lean towards Sci-Fi, but the straw poll I took wants a more Sci-Fi helmet for Sci-Fi. :)

In my Joe verse, Red Spot is joining the post-Greenshirt cadet program, along with Bombstrike, Firewall, and Fifty (Eddie Shrote -- Frontline #17). That way, the program's not dominated by girls. :)

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