Whole body: Beach Head v.5
Boonie Hat: from Master Gunnz
Backpack and Radio: Firefly

"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned."
"Yeah, yeah, of course you have, it's been how many minutes since your last confession?"
"Well, what is it lad?"
" I...uh...made a Firefly custom."
"Jesus Joesph & Mary!"
"Yeah, sorry about that Father."
"What have I told you about that?"
" ' Firefly is one of the Seven Sinful Customs' ".
"Aye, that's right you nit."
"But I still havent made a Snake Eyes custom."
"And you better not or Sister Ann is gonna come after you with a 2x4 instead of a ruler. Damn boy, ok, give me 20 "And knowing is half the battles", read the entire run of Image/DD G.I. Joe comics and don't ever do it again."
"Yes Father."
"Now get lost, my DD #16 comic 3-pack just came in."

Well, everyone does it, why can't I. Here is a custom Firefly I made out of parts that were laying around taking up space. He's headed for Ebay, but I like how he turned out, so I am gonna make another one for myself. Don't tell the Father!

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