Base figure: 6" Marvel Legends Punisher Warzone
This is a one-of-a-kind v1 Snow Job custom that was created using a Punisher Warzone figure. I custom made his entire outfit. His legs are the only thing that wasn't touched except for painting that is. His goggles, back-pack and gun are from a McFarlane military figure. I custom made the poles using picture wire, washers, epoxy sculpt for the tip & thin bungee black elastic string for the straps. Eye hooks were used and screwed into the sides of the back- pack.
The skis were made using balsa wood (you can find at any craft store). I then sculpted the tips and sanded to blend into the wood. I sculpted the bindings and added picture wire to hold his feet in place.
This was a fun figure to make... I hope you all like him.