Head: Cast resin Viper
Torso: Range Viper
Arms: Rock Viper
Waist: Voltar
Thighs: Salvo
Lower Legs: V.2 Stalker
Arsenal Vipers provide combat support to Cobra Infantry units on the battlefield. They carry ammunition for every Cobra weapon and are able to field strip and repair weapons on the spot if necessary. In order to carry all of the necessary ammunition and repair equipment, Arsenal Vipers themselves are not armed and wear very little body armor. This serves two purposes: it's less weight to weigh them down, and it gives them incentive to keep Cobra forces in fighting condition.
"Imagine you're a Cobra Viper. Your ammo is running low, and your weapon is constantly jamming. GI Joe is breathing down your neck, and they're almost on you. What do you do? You hope an Arsenal Viper is just over the hill, hard-charging his way to you!"