This 1/6 Scarlett figure was developed utilizing a BBI Cy Girl body, with custom clothing and various 1/6 scale accessories.
Many of the elements came from Cy Girls figures, with additional elements coming from Hasbro G.I. Joe figures such as the crossbow.
I also used web gear from 21st Century Toys. The utility vest is a custom piece.
The unit patch and flag were simply ink jet print-outs that I touched up with acrylic paints and mounted with white glue.
Since Hasbro never produced any 12" versions of any of the RAH female characters, I started making my own.
I found what I needed in BBI's great 12" Cy Girl female figures (a.k.a. Takara Cool Girl). Scarlett will always be my favorite female Joe, and what would 12" Snake Eyes do without her fighting by his side?
In addition to Scarlett, I have also produced large-scale versions of Lady Jaye, the Baroness, Cover Girl, Stalker, Storm Shadow, Snow Job, Shipwreck, Major Bludd, and others.