Head: Slipstream (modified)
Body: Infantry Greenshirt (H.I.S.S. torso)
Chest and knee pads: created with Avery Sticker Project Paper (3383) and a Matte Coating
Code Name: Flash
Function: Laser Rifle Trooper
File Name: Gambello, Anthony S.
Birthplace: Lodi, California
Issue #10 is one of the last issues not yet to be released but still featuring the three remaining original G.I. Joe figures that have yet to have comic pack sculpts resembling their original release back in 1982.
With the Flash/Grand Slam mold believed missing, the chance of these two characters seeing a comic pack release without a new sculpt (as Grand Slam recently received) would not seem feasible.
UNLESS... the H.I.S.S. Driver/Rip It torso which has been recently used with the Greenshirts Infantry pack was utilized as a replacement. The "chest pads" and "knee pads" have been created using a decal scheme