Head/Body: Hasbro Tactical Advisor
Hands: original replaced with gung-ho grip gloved hands.
Uniform: US Army Cold Weather Soldier
Skis: 10th Mountain Division
Web Gear: 21st Century
Mask: Hasbro

When I first picked up one of the elusive Tactical Advisors, especially being bearded, I knew he had to become one of the cold weather troops. First thoughts were to make him into Frostbite, but no, he's got red hair, so he has to be SnowJob! Initially, he had a 21st Century uniform on, but I was recently able to pick up the Cold Weather soldier on eBay and SnowJob got the uniform.

Now if only I could find a suitable replacement for the XLMR-3A laser rifle in 1/6th scale, I'd be happy!

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