Night Fighting Guile, 1991 Snake-Eyes Head, paint

This figure is the direct result of a bit of frustration and a good opportunity. I always believed that the 1991 Snake-Eyes figure was an excellent overall design -- but I wasn't fond of the color scheme. The blue, the pale grey, and that bright red visor just didn't work too well for me. So when the Street Fighter line used the 1991 Snake-Eyes body in black for a Guile figure, I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity. I bought one of the figures, painted all of the grey trim black, took a 1991 Snake-Eyes head, painted it black, and you see the resuly before you. I decided to add a little bit of color and give Snake-Eyes some "night vision" goggles. And although you can't tell it in this picture -- they glow in the dark. This, in my opinion, is what that 1991 Snake-Eyes should've looked like.

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