Head: Grand Slam '82/83
Torso: Mutt '84
Arms: Dial-Tone '86
Waist/Legs: Lift-Ticket '86

Rifle: Dial-Tone
Grenade Launcher: Gung-Ho '83 (Accessory Pack)
Backpack: Metal-Head '90
Helmet: Sci-Fi '91

I started a project a while back to redesign the original 13 Joes using their original head sculpts. I also wanted to use the same torsos for the characters that shared torso sculpts. I used Firefly's torso for those who shared the Grunt torso, Airborne's torso for Zap and Short-Fuse, and now Mutt's torso for Grand Slam and Flash.

Since the HAL is an air defense weapon, I decided to have Grand Slam be the Anti-Aircraft Trooper for the Joes. I thought the Metal-Head backpack looked like some kind of experimental anti-aircraft weapon so that's why I chose that.

For the color scheme, I tried to combine both his action figure looks, but I made the silver more prominent to distinguish him from Flash.

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