Cobra Divers are located above Viper but below Eel. Cobra Divers are pretty much Vipers with enough Dive training and Sea Combat training to not get themselves killed doing something stupid. If a Cobra Diver proves himself capable of more then he is given the opportunity to try and become an Eel.
The Cobra Divers are using the Sea Sled to patrol the rivers of Seirra Gordo. They usually stay just below the surface and strike. Now looking out for possible G.I. Joe activities on the rivers and the land the Cobra Divers are ready to strike and prove they are ready to be Eels!
The Cobra Divers comes in a 2 pack with the Cobra Sea Sled. They are taking the place of the small vehicle that is usually offered.
I wanted to do something a little different yet also offer a vehicle. Since the status of the Club Cobra Diver is in limbo, I figured use it here and give them the Sea Sled.