
Darkon was made using genetic material from the Adventure Team Land Adventurer. Created by the Intruder Commander after he and his men escaped the planet earth and returning to their homeworld. The Intruder Commander manipulated the creation and made sure Darkon had enhanced reflexes and strength. Darkon rose to power and took over the Intruders. He is now ready to go to earth and face the Adventure Team and defeat the legendary Land Adventurer.

Darkon is based on the Super Joe villian. He was just a green colored version of Super Joe. No real background. So I figured to make one an tie him into the Intruders. I like the Tatum Duke head for use as the Adventure Team head. It is pretty close when adding a beard. I used the chest armour and belt from Action Attack Snake Eyes. I also made his weapon using the AA Snake Eyes weapon and adding a barrel from a Spytroops rifle. I had fun mixing up the colors and really like the way he turned out.

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