Filename: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Weapon of choice: Twin Katanas
Night Creepers Sword
Omicron is a total blank slate to the intelligence community. There is not one fact known about him, only conjecture. He is theoretically linked to the massacre of a Kurd village in Iraq and a second village in Rwanda during a civil war. It is believed he has posed as other infamous mercenaries during his assignments, forcing them to take the blame for his actions.
Some sources believe he once posed as the most infamous merc of all, Firefly, during the early 1990's, when he was believed to have lead a force of brainwashed GI Joe and Cobra agents during an attempted overthrow of Cobra Island. A Joe agent later observed that Firefly being overwhelmed by two Cobra agents, leaving much speculation to the identity of the man in question.
He is death incarnate, leaving behind no witnesses regardless of sex or age.
>>File Update>>....
A recent assassination in Cambodia has led to a new piece of information about the Night Creeper Omicron. Nailed to the victim's temple was a card that simple read "Death is My Gift". This murder was without question the work of Omicron...