Was able to spare some extra time this evening and snapped some pictures. I didn't take more of Salvo because there a bunch of pics on Hisstank that can be browsed. I concentrated on the extras it came with to show some of the detail work.
In case you weren't aware, the base figure is essentially a Retaliation Roadblock with an MU Absorbing Man head. The helmet received some additional sculpting and the MU head was modified to fit it. The helmet has some great decals and the paint job is a homage to the original Salvo's card art.
The contributors put in a lot of detail and decal work on the accessories and it shows.
As for the other accessories, you can see the NJCC logo on the printed stand. The rocket launcher has really cool decals like rows of X'd out HISS Tanks and even a Hello! My name is Salvo sticker.
The custom goodness continues with a Marauder John IDS figure stand and a slew of other Marauder accessories.
It comes in two pieces not one. This actually makes a ton of sense in keeping with the idea of a freely distributed custom figure. This is definitely one way you can lower cost and not have to do extra work gluing cards together.
On the front, they bought in the classic explosion and custom figure art. They added the NJCC joe logo which is a great way to showcase their offering but keep it close enough for nostalgia sake.
On the back, the eye candy continues. They have the exclusive number of the piece and signatures of Kevin and Fran which seal the deal and give it an officially unofficial vibe. Note: I blurred out the three fields on purpose.
I love the fact that they included those who contributed on the project. It drives home the fact that this was a strong fan-based group effort.
Along with that, there are some really cool details like pictures of the previous NJCC releases, an NJCC Flag Point and even the bar code reads NJCC 2013.
We know that the base figure is merely a Rockblock. But, they made a significant change with that head swap and the helmet color choice is a welcome homage to the vintage Salvo card art. From there, the accessories, decal work and overall details really make this figure stand out as a nice exclusive custom offering.
I realize that this figure will have its detractors. Some might state that it was too difficult to obtain but they have to understand that it isn't a mass produced item from a major company. Others might say that there is inherently nothing special about an LBC head swap with some stickers.
To them, I have to politely disagree since it is a custom fan-based offering which was distributed as an exclusive souvenir. These guys put in a tremendous amount of work and effort into making this custom an outstanding door prize.
Depending on a person's objectives with a custom, it can either come together quickly or be an involved process.
Now try making 42 copies of a custom figure with packaging, art work and accessories and giving it out for....free.