This thing has been quite a few months in the making, most of that spent tracking parts down. I LOVED the way the
Gunship (it's referred to as the Razor in the pre-production materials, so I went with it) looked in RoC. The toy, while not bad on its own, was a horrible attempt at recreating it. Hopefully, I've done a bit better. I know it's not 100% accurate, but it was as close as I could get (I have zero scratch building skills, so I had to attempt a kitbash instead).
There is, of course, one problem with mine...THE GIANT FREAKING HOLE IN THE SIDE OF IT. Apparently, the Imperial Shuttle hatch (which I need to complete it) is a very hard to find part. If anyone can help me with one (any version, yellowed, broken, whatever), I'll trade very well.
Enough yapping, here are the pics.
And the parts list...I'll try to do my best to describe what part made what:
Main body: SW Imperial Shuttle
Cockpit: Aliens EVAC fighter w/ sides of a DTC HISS tank
Wings: Aliens EVAC Fighter
Wing tips: Fins from a ROC Night Raven
Engines: RoC Night Raven
Tail: S6 Dragonhawk
Cannons: RoC Night Raven
I have WIP pics, too, if anyone is interested.