”Killzone appeared on the merc-for-hire scene shortly after Wraith and was once rumored to be his accomplice. However nothing could be farther from the truth. He was actually one of Wraith’s targets and supposedly killed in a hit. Killzone survived however with the lower half of his face blown off and is now seeking revenge. Taking any high level job that could possibly lead him to cross paths with his would-be killer, Killzone has only one goal… to cause Wraith as much pain and suffering as possible before the end.”
Parts Used:
Head: Xamot
Body: Snake Eyes
Lower arms: General Hawk
Coat: DC Infinites Hush
Hands: Firefly
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Mercenary Killzone (version 2.0) Original Character----------------------
”Within the Cobra ranks there is a secret, elite team made up of only the most highly trained and aggressive troopers. This is the 'Serpent Guard', only activated when the Joe threat level is at its highest. They are equipped with advanced poly-carbon fiber armor that allows them full range of movement while protecting them from most kinds of automatic weapon fire. Their mission; to protect Cobra Commander and serve as his personal Death Squad when the situation calls for it. The last thing the enemy sees is a flurry of black and red, then just black... ”
Parts Used:
Straight up Serpentor with sculpted over face/kneepads
Backpack: Crimson Guard
Chestplate: Matt Trakker
Gun: Resolute Cobra Trooper
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Custom Cobra Serpent Guard Figures----------------------
”The Joe's communications expert/inventor Hi-Tech creates some pretty fantastic stuff but he's not the one to use it up close and personal against Cobra. That's where his best friend from the academy Spy-Tech comes in! This secret agent-in-training tests out all of Hi-Tech's crazy contraptions and finds a pratical use for every one of them. From plasma-pulse power gauntlets to magnetic jump-field boots, Spy-Tech is equipped for stealth or up close fighting, the latter of which he prefers. He can sneak up behind a Cobra Night Viper using his IR goggles and knock him out of the park, thanks to his friend's 'hi tech' ideas!”
Parts Used:
Head: Crimson Guard Fred
Body: Beach Head
Legs: General Hawk
Gauntlets/boots: DC Infinites Manhunter
Energy Flames: DC Universe Superman Red
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Codename: Spy-Tech