I've made no secret of my complete distaste for 25th Outback as we got him in the FLAK pack and the Cobra Island multi-pack. I think he looks scrawny and cartoony and just generally awkward for a guy who always looked like a mountain of man meat in a dirty t-shirt when depicted in the comics.
There's not a part of this guy that was used in the factory build of the character.
To give him the requisite height and bulk, I used the Roadblock torso. For the look of an old t-shirt stretched out by well-muscled arms, I used the Stormshadow uppers and some Shipwreck lowers. The legs were Duke's. The head was the roughest, toughest, meanest red-bearded menace I could find - an Obi Wan head from his anniversary Clone General get-up. I liked that noggin so much, I used two to give him an alternate, bandana-less look.
Anyway, here's how he turned out:
outback.jpg [ 284.37 KiB | Viewed 1416 times ]
And from the back:
outback2.jpg [ 271.31 KiB | Viewed 1416 times ]
The flashlight and boot knife are removable:
outback3.jpg [ 281.61 KiB | Viewed 1416 times ]
Here's a close-up profile of the head:
outback head.jpg [ 190.39 KiB | Viewed 1416 times ]
And the alternate noggin for when he wants to let his hair down:
outback head2.jpg [ 197.54 KiB | Viewed 1416 times ]
What do you guys think?