We have a few items on the menu today.
First, with Resurgence being a mock GI Joe line, we thought that wrapping up the project with vintage-style catalogs - one for the main line and one for the mail away products - would be fun. Thanks to Mayor and J_Man from JoeCustoms.com, that became possible.
Second item, make sure to tune in tomorrow, we'll have some WIP pictures to show off
Last item, we have a special treat. Lifeline_MD, the author of GIJoe: Heroes and Terrorists, an ongoing fanfic saga on Hisstank.com was so inspired by Resurgence that he offered to write a short story for a new short story based on its characters and storyline. We published it here:
http://www.hisstank.com/forum/g-i-joe-f ... ne_md.htmlIt is a fantastic read and we are proud and honored that Lilfeline_MD took the time and effort to put this together.
When Bucky and I started ‘’Project 96’’our goal was to do something as different as possible, something that had a feel to it that's hard to describe. We wanted to capture the lighting in a bottle that the original line had, with unique looking characters, a fun storyline and different personalities for each of them. The idea was to mimic an 80's release, with multiple specialties and new figures.
Resurgence became an experiment is expanding the GI Joe universe. We tried something new by structuring our project around a mock product launch. We made enough customs to fill a month, along with filecards, concept art, packaging mock-ups and catalogues to flesh out our pretend line. We structured our entire project around 20 or so new unknown characters. Whether we accomplished what we set out to do or not, we’ll leave that up to you guys.
Like we said in our intro, sometimes, in customs like in life, we don’t end up where we thought we would when we started.
What started as a project between two customizing buddies (Bucky and I) turned into one of the largest collaborative custom efforts that I have ever seen online. Kirk Bozigian and Patrick Stewart consulted early in the project and gave us some great advice about specialties and colors. Dusty79 came onboard to help fill some of the empty roster spots and in the process has become a full partner four our next project.
G1Trekker (Thomas Wheeler) and Justin over at generalsjoes.com really helped us with the characterization of each custom character. They really put effort into it, sometimes only getting a picture and a name, sometimes a rough draft of what the character was about. Justin obviously loves the brand, as does Trekker, whom helped write the filecards from the re-launch of ARAH back at the turn of the century, and loves to do so. Trekker writes for a living, and is available for hire to write if anybody wants to get in touch with him. Those guys really hit a home run with the filecards.
Mayor and J_Man put together our catalogues and tied everything together.
Once the reveals started, Sam Panico - a creative designer/writer/designer for the last twenty some years and for various brands - was inspired by some of our characters and offered to come aboard to create some awesome packaging art and box mock-ups.
To all our collaborators, for all you input, advice, time, effort and hard work, you have our sincerest thanks and appreciation. Each one of you added valuable pieces to this gigantic puzzle.
And to all who tuned in daily, peeked in once in a while, left comments or not, thank you for the support, constructive feedback and comments. We appreciate all of it. See you guys in October!
Bucky, Dusty79 and Oreobuilder
****Adding, Danofthedead's awesome digibashes here (he posted them on page 16).
From the desk of Danofthedead:
I've been following the Resurgence project with a great deal of interest. I love large scale projects, and I have admired the work of many of the involved collaborators for a while. I knew I wanted to offer my support beyond telling them all "Good job!" I know projects like this can be draining, and there's a sadness to see them draw to close and letting go of them. I tried to think about the kind of support I find most fulfilling, as well as what kind of response Resurgence deserved being presented as a real toyline that could have / should have been.
I came up with the idea of digital repaints. It's a close to customizing these virtual offerings as I could come, and I believe that customizing is one of the highest compliments a toyline can get. It says, "this thing you made makes me want to make things." I showed the Resurgence gang my first two ideas, mostly to get their blessing because I didn't want these to come across as trying to "fix" their ideas... then built upon their concepts, and Hasbro concepts, to celebrate what I love about G.I. Joe, customizing, and the Resurgence project.
"Revenge of COBRA" 7 Figure Box Set, $41.99 MSRPCOBRA COMMANDER is back with an onslaught of reinforcements! These COBRA troops are re-armed and ready for battle. Deploy them with the rest of your G.I. JOE: RESURGENCE action figures, vehicles, and playsets and find out if G.I. JOE has what it takes to defeat COBRA, once and for all!
"Crimson" Cobra Commander
The obligatory red-repaint figure. I knew I wanted to do a 7 pack, like the recent online exclusives, and while my goal was to do a repaint of each of the COBRA army builder figures, I needed one more to finish off the set. The original Resurgence color scheme is beautiful, and one of the most eye catching customs I've seen in a long time. Initially I thought to give him the "Back in Black" treatment, but realized that "just paint it black" is a bit of a crutch to make a figure look "cool," and one we've seen an over abundance of in lines like Rise of Cobra. Resurgence is notable for it's use of vivid colors, so I decided a crimson repaint, with a few black detail areas, was more appropriate.
Motor-Viper (Track-Viper Repaint)
A simpler idea than most of the others, and one I don't feel came out particularly well, I tried to do the Track-Viper in the older Motor-Viper color scheme. I think the Resurgence Track-Viper is such a spot on update of the original figure that there's not much room left to play... other than another Python Patrol repaint.
Cobra Air Crew (Gyro-Viper Repaint)
The Gyro-Viper, like the Track-Viper is such a spot on update of the original figure that I didn't see much room for altering it without trying to make it a distinct trooper. I also wanted to address the odd color scheme of the Gyro-Viper, which seem to fit in with either the blue and black of most Cobra Troops, or the Black/Gray/Red scheme common to many of the pilot figures. I thought perhaps this blue repaint would serve as crew/gunners for vehicles like the Venom Chopper.
Black Light IG Flamethrowers (Pyro-Viper Repaint)
When I showed the Resurgence crew my first two concepts, I asked if they had any ideas for other repaints and Oreo Builder suggested trying an Iron Grenadiers color scheme. This was also a chance to flex some photoshop muscles to see if I could convincingly turn a primarily white figure black, which I think came out pretty well.
Python Create-A-Cobra
I couldn't resist trying another Python repaint after the Viper came out so well. This one is based on the Python Trooper (which confusingly uses the Officer body) and was another interesting challenge to try and take the black parts and make them believable gray.
Python Viper
This was the second figure I played with recoloring, and came out good enough that I decided it was a concept worth following up on. It's also one of my favorite Resurgence figures. The Resurgence Viper is a great update to the original. Recognizable, but nicely tweaked for a bit more modern look.
Stealth B.A.T. (Classic colors B.A.T. repaint)
By far, my favorite Resurgence figure. The new BAT design is great, playing up the robotic elements and giving him plenty of firepower. And the red looks great too. The color scheme reminded me of the Inferno BATs, so I had to try and take a step back along their uniform history to see what this new design would look like in classic black.