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 Post subject: More Ajax HACKS work, page 7
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:01 pm 
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ok, don't hate, but I'm one of the lucky ones to have received my first shipment of HACKS figures. Me being me, I immediately started putting the figures to the test.

Please note, this isn't a traditional review. Perhaps it should go to General Customizing, but you're also looking at some WIPs, which is why I am here. It is more of a customizer's review, if anything.

If pressed to make one, the extent of my review of the figures, out of the package, is this: Wow.

Strictly from a customizing perspective, it is also Wow - though with some caveats.

As advertized, the HACKS figures (I'm working specifically with the male figures presently) are remarkably easy to disassemble and swap parts within the line. That will appease the customizing interests of many, but I'm more of a hands on modifications customizer, and I look for more than just color swaps. That is actually the first caveat. I see a TON of potential even in just the ease of part swapping. But someone like me isn't going to see the full benefit of that until another one or two themes hit the market, hopefully providing some clothed figure sculpts. As the library of parts grows, so will my contentment with the built-in HACKS style swaps.

In the meantime, here is what I've figure so far.

Head swaps:Image

you probably know by now that HACKS has gone with a double ended peg insert in lieu of a joe-style neck ball. It marks a change for me in the normal type of head swap of simply dremel the socket and make a new one with hot glue. But this WILL BE a change for the better. The range of motion of this design is amazing. It might take one extra step to make a custom head fit, but it's well worth it.

In the pic above, you can see I was already working on these within the first day of receiving the figures. The pegs come inserted into the heads, rather than the neck. So I have mimicked this for my customs as well. Luckily I had bought an army builder pack of Spartans (with the intent of giving each a different head), so I've got a lot of fodder for testing this out.

First I heated up the heads (boil and pop I guess) and removed the peg from the donors. Second, I popped the small ball end back into the neck. THAT IS THE ONLY NEW STEP TO A TRADITIONAL HEAD SWAP. From there, I dremeled out a deeper socket in the new head I wished to use, then test fit it on the neck. I used vaseline as a release agent on the head end of the peg. Then, same as ever, filled the new head with hot glue, placed into the position I wanted on the peg (which, remember, was already in the neck). Once the glue cooled, the peg stayed in the head, just like on the original. It can now be swapped onto any of these bodies.

If future figures beyond the Greek waves hold true to this uniform neck system, I now have custom heads that will fit every new figure BFS sends us. And it's as easy as ever.

Leg Swaps:

So a lot of these figures are going to be used by me within either a mythological or fantasy type of realm. Maybe not directly as intended, but close enough. For those figures, the glaring lack of pants throughout the line will be no problem. Same is true I guess for any spandex based heroes.

But for a lot of what I am doing presently, I wanted to know if I could swap Joe legs onto these guys. One thing I've not yet done, but I'm sure others will, is try a direct MTF swap. To be honest, I'm not enamored with the MTF legs, so I'll leave that to others. But I did start in on Joes right away.

My first observation was that the hardware on the HACKS is plastic and not metal. I have a small concern as to what that will mean over the life of the figure. It is a very hard plastic, so I don't necessarily expect breakage (though heavy use of the hard Joe plastic legs may put it to the test). My bigger concern is that I know many of my Joes over the years have become loose in the hips. The hard plastic-metal combo allows for a drop of superglue at the joint to add friction and keep the joints secure without locking them up. I'm hoping I never have to come up with a way to do that with the HACKS - Joe leg combo.

The good news about my second observation - it was that the ball on the t-bar section of the hardware seemed to be the exact same size as that on a modern joe metal bar. After taking apart the HACKS donor (so far it seems like I need to break it down all the way to get the leg apart safely, but I'm willing to be corrected), I was happy to see the Joe legs I tried popped right on.


Small caveat - the initial fitting resulted in a feet spread stance. While the fit was without mods, I wanted the ability to have the feet stand together, so I did trim a small part of the waist piece to allow this to happen. I don't know if the fit will be universal. I've really only tried this one piece so far, but I am pleased.

You can see the subject here is an update to Ajax. I've traditionally used a Snake Eyes torso to give the impression of molded body armor. I thought a bit about modding a Spartan's armor for a removable version of this, but I generally prefer the way I am doing it now. The main reason for doing the change for me is better proportions. The SE torso had become undersized and weirdly proportioned compared to later parts. the HACKS torso corrects that AND allows for all sorts of future head swaps to keep me interested in extending my long line of vanity customs :shifty:

Ultimately, I'll need the black blank to be able to do this as seemlessly as I want. But this made for a great trial run. I'm sure I'll put even these part to use as an alt outfit when all is said and done.

Arm swaps:
This is currently my largest concern. Like I said above, once the catalog of parts starts to include clothed arms, the HACKS swappable joint system's brilliance will be on full display. For now, however, at least for those who want to do more than take an Odyssey, this will cause some problems. The issue is that the easy swap shoulder peg which helps define the HACKS system also renders the entire library of 1:18 scale arms already in existence useless, without making some risky mods.

Listen, any customizers that are already in the business of swapping out the shoulder joints may not even care about this. I'll admit, it's not my strongest skill, but I may have to get better at it. Because the alternative I tested this weekend was far from perfect, and already resulted in one damaged Joe shoulder not useful even with the HACKS, and every modified shoulder - even those that work on the HACKS are now forever barred from returning to Joe-dom.

Because if you modify the peg itself, rather than swap it, the first thing you have to do is chop off the disk.

Never one to get squeamish I did this right off. Problem is, the peg for a lot of the Joe figs are even then still thicker than the HACKS peg. My first inclination was to thin down the peg with the x-acto. This, sadly, led to my first casualty. A peg thinned so far it wouldn't hold. The other arm of the pair I cut the disk, then forced the peg into the hacks socket without thinning. It took some force, but it went in, and - good news - held. Mostly. But that can't be good for the plastic. Next time I do this, I will heat the torso first so that it will cause less stress (hopefully). I'll keep you posted, and will also add some pics tonight of what I am talking about.

The bigger problem with this technique however is that the newly modified peg might just be enough bigger than the HACKS peg that you can never go back to the HACKS shoulders after making the swap.

Even as I write this, I am convincing myself that I am going to have to get comfortable swapping the joints entirely. And with that will hope someone reading this gets the idea of selling customizer hardware packs, with the neck pegs and joints, and internal hardware, even if not actual limbs and torsos...


Second caveat to the "wow" comes here but I'm going to blame user error and give it a pass. Part of what makes these figure so great are the the tight fits and seemless transitions of body parts. That, however, implies friction. And friction is not paint's friend.

Luckily the blanks will end up being available in so many colors it will be a moot point. But I tried some painting nonetheless.

First thing I tried was tamiya fine gray primer. I was surprised at how well it adhered. And because it was such a thin application, I am pleased to report it stood up well to the friction of the chest joint.

Image(straps of course added by me)


Then user error set in. I may try to remove the paint and start over at this stage. Because a wash is what I really wanted next, but I went with a coat of brushed on paint instead. Bad news, perhaps resulting from my impatience, but the brushed on paint scraped pretty heavily even with primer underneath. I suspect that patience and prep and thin coats will address this. But don't ignore that there is friction, at the chest joint especially, which is greater than on most joes and marvel figures.

I will update with info after my next round if I can remove any of the failed effort. That said, being impatient and eager to see a proof of concept of my new Ajax step forward, my first fix involved trudging stupidly on and spraying the next coat of paint. And it did ok. Better by far than the brushed paint, with some rubs, but much fewer. Interestingly even the rub areas reduced the paint down only to the primer level, which has held throughout.


I'll post more updates here, as I keep working. Especially with regard to the arms. In the meantime, here are some head-swapped spartans,


Pantsless Bindy 2.0

And an example of why you don't want Knighthawk as your neighbor... "Dude, can I use your hot tub?"

Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.

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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:04 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
You know what I don't like?

A show-off ;-)

Looks great - good to know it's compatible with Joes and whatnot - at least insofar as our customizer-centered definition is concerned.


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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:08 pm 
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Chief wrote:
You know what I do like?

Pantsless Bindy ;-)

Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.

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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:18 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:44 pm 
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(laughing) You are soo keeping your leggings on in my universe. Excellent field test, especially about the paint concerns. Definitely will have to stick with the model builder's plan: wash parts first with soapy water, prime always, let sit, base coats, washes, and definitely some sealing. Might try the acetone dip we learned at SlayerCon 2.

What I can't wait to try, is how well the plastic will fare to external detailing with my woodburner and micro tips? Making furred arms, legs, and torsos. Making fine beards and scars. That sort of thing. Pointing an ear, arrow scars, all manner of detailing.

Sometimes, the mad are driven that way. Some Stuff.

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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:48 pm 
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Cap wrote:
What I can't wait to try, is how well the plastic will fare to external detailing with my woodburner and micro tips? Making furred arms, legs, and torsos. Making fine beards and scars. That sort of thing. Pointing an ear, arrow scars, all manner of detailing.

Here all this time I've been using an Xacto knife for scars and such. Like a chump.

*off to get some assorted tips for my soldering iron and possibly an entire woodburning kit*


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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:08 pm 
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Good to see these guys can be quite useful.


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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:53 pm 
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HATES Mattel

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Have we seen that Khal Drogo before? How'd you do the leather skirt flaps? The Laff-ules head; that's one of them mini-wrestlers, right?


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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:58 pm 
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I've been wondering about all of these things, so it's great to see someone experiment like this. I definitely want to grab some for customs. That new Ajax is looking promising too.

"Shake a person up enough and what they thought was a personality starts to separate. We can be anything."

Read my reviews and ramblings over at Bastard's Got a Nosebleed.

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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:54 pm 
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As far as the hip thing, the superglue trick works just as well plastic to plastic as it does with a metal t-bar. Just move the joint as the glue sets and you're fine.

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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:07 pm 
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nice non-review :) I don't follow these new production runs much what is the street price on them per figure?

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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:38 pm 
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I guess I shoulda said it's a customizing specific review

Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.

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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:43 pm 
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AdrienVeidt wrote:
Have we seen that Khal Drogo before? How'd you do the leather skirt flaps? The Laff-ules head; that's one of them mini-wrestlers, right?

The Drogo looking guy - in my mind actually a "realistic" spin on Hercules in my mind: his head is from a Schleich figure, and yes I did buy it to use as Drogo, so you're dead on. And the skirt is two Injustice Wonder Woman skirts, one front and one back.

And also dead on with the hyena guy - mini wrestler.

2DARK2C wrote:
nice non-review :) I don't follow these new production runs much what is the street price on them per figure?

Blanks are up for pre-order (to start shipping after the kickstarter is done shipping, ongoing presently). $12.99 , but includes extra hands, feet and heads per blank. ... -male-body

Up to I think $19.99 for named characters and fully geared up soldiers.

Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.

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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 1
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:27 pm 
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thanks for the link :)

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 Post subject: Re: HACKS Customizing, part 2
PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:24 pm 
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Part 2 - Updates and more.

I wanted to illustrate some of the shoulder peg discussion from before.

First, here is a Joe arm with the disk removed, and no other mods:

Technically, this will work on a HACKS shoulder socket. But this is thicker than the HACKS peg, therefore it has the chance to stretch out the hole, and not allow for the original HACKS arms to work. So you're using this at your own risk, or at least in a setting where you don't plan to swap arms back and forth.

Here is my big fat failed attempt at thinning down that peg. Probably ill advised even if you did it more carefully than I did. It can't make for a a very sturdy connection. And yeah, I see all the different ways I botched it. No reminders necessary.


Not surprisingly, that mod made it too small, and keeps it from locking in place at all.

Other observations - here were the biggest areas of paint rub on the lower torso, after the last round of spray paint:


pretty manageable at just that. But the brushed on paint I tried before that had rubs all the way down the sides as well. Just be warned.

Last night I removed all that paint and started over. Still the primer coat isn't rubbing, so that's good. Smart parts and paints choices will render it a non issue. Here I am starting over. This time I'm keeping the "armor" - the torso - gray

trying some unique detail designs

While waiting for paint to dry, I went digging for other parts that might make for some easy swaps. One thing I noticed for sure is that there are a lot of Star Wars injection molded peg arms which will be easy mods. Because once you trim the flared out section of those pegs, the diameter of those pegs are already pretty close in size to HACKS. It's the Joes which seems to have a wider base peg which makes the mods tough.

Other lines that applies to includes Prince of Persia. Interestingly, the heads work without mods. They sit a little high, but that's easily masked with the helmet on.


The resolute Destro swappable robot arm also works. But unless you mod up one of the Right biceps to work on the left, it's not a complete solution. No mods required to these pegs.

gratuitous fun shot of the holsters I made for my Ajax figure

I'm sure a part 3 will be coming after tonight.

Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.

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