It's been awhile since I've made up any of these. I mostly have been refining some ideas, thinking of some others, etc...
Hi-Tech, BF2K Operations Support Specialist
Hi-Tech, BF2K Operations Support Specialist.JPG [ 112.29 KiB | Viewed 13550 times ]
I was looking at the Battle Force 2000 and realized there was room to introduce more characters to the squad, since military research is ongoing. Decided that Hi-Tech could easily switch over and be the crewman/gunner behind Blocker in the Eliminator. I figure he could use his position to coordinate the six vehicles when in combat.
Phalanx, BF2K Pulverizer Driver
Phalanx, BF2K Pulverizer Driver.JPG [ 129.88 KiB | Viewed 13550 times ]
I never liked the idea of non-BF2K personnel operating future force type vehicles, and decided to add a dedicated driver for the Pulverizer. Phalanx is a Munitions Specialist, a needed specialisation for a team that is supposed to be field-testing the newest US Military prototypes. Whether it be explosives, ammunition, artillery shells, or weapons capable of delivering multiple rounds downrange really fast, Phalanx is always waiting for the big KABOOM! This character was one I just came up with over the weekend and ran it by Spectre for his input.
Volare, BF2k Dragonhawk XH-1 Pilot
Volare, BF2K Dragonhawk XH-1 Pilot.JPG [ 140.01 KiB | Viewed 13550 times ]
I had the initial design for Volare completed back in September, but altered to have small backpack mounted rocket pods. I had reasoned a female BF2K member might add a new dynamic to the squad. Later I realized the BF2K was lacking in close air support, so I took a look at the JOE vehicles and rationalized the Dragonhawk was future tech enough to work as a legit BF2K vehicle. I then took my female design and slightly changed her design to reflect the flight suit style. A quick rename and I was off.
Right now I need at least one more BF2K character, preferably one to fill the second seat with Blaster in the Vindicator hovercraft vehicle. I always pictured the Vindicator as a mobile medical retrieval unit, quickly entering the battlefield to secure a wounded teammate and exiting just as fast. I usually had Stretcher ride shotgun, but I think a future tech medic would be an interesting choice.
I am also debating if the repainted Polar Battle Bear should be included, along with another pilot for the newest Vector Jet. Oh, mail-away Arctic Dee-Jay with be renamed and become the original Vector Gunner in the rear pod.
So, I have:
Avalanche in the Dominator
Blocker and Hi-Tech in the Eliminator
Dodger and Dee-Jay v1 in the Marauder
Phalanx in the Pulverizer
Knockdown in the Skysweeper,
Maverick and (renamed) Dee-Jay v2 in the Vector
Blaster and and unknown in the Vindicator
Volare in the Dragonhawk XH-1.