THE Mike™ wrote:
ronin wrote:
I realize that is just an alternative to whitening but any thought of potentially casting all the figure pieces in a base white?
Did you read the post? ARMS. You can't cast metal rivets!
Hey Mike,
I did read the post and was only trying to provide an alternative.
You are correct, You can't cast a metal rivet per se. However, there are two rivet options which you may not be aware of at this time.
The first is to purchase some miniature-scale rivets from a site like Then you can cast the base pieces in white and use a crimper to join the arm pieces together.
The second is to cast mini plastic rivets and then crimp them. Even though they're plastic, those little rivets do take a lot of punishment.
Just thought you might want to consider those other options as well. Wish you the best of luck on your endeavour buddy. Keep us posted.