Elite Crimson Guard

Parts Used

  • Capt. Grid-Iron head
  • Crimson Guard and accessories


  • GI Joe #29-33, #36, #42, #43, #98, #100, #102, #103

Realizing that the most important battles would no longer be fought on the battlefield but in offices, Cobra Commander sent out dozens of Fred series Crimson Guards. These elite undercover operatives infiltrated all walks of life, posing as anything from mechanics to doctors. Each of them was surgically altered to resemble one another. Most important of all, each Fred was fanatically loyal to Cobra Commander.

When one of the Freds, Fred VII, shot Cobra Commander to take his place, other Freds rescued their leader from his shallow grave and nursed him back to health. These troops helped the Commander build up funding until he was able to reclaim Cobra. From there, several Freds served as personal bodyguards for their leader. While most Freds are supremely loyal, Cobra Commander was wise to have the Freds watch one another. Had they not, he would have died in an unmarked grave.

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.