Cobra Electronic Technician 
Electronics Expert

Parts Used

  • Cobra Officer
  • Short Fuze head


  • GI Joe #1, #3, and #7

In the days before Cobra Commander saw fit to create his Tele-Viper legions, Cobra Electronic Technicians were the backbone of all the terrorist organization's computers and field communications. The head snake stationed several of these specialists at each of his secret bases. Their duties ranged from monitoring radar stations to intercepting coded radio messages to creating computer viruses. Each Electronic Technician was hand-picked from the ranks of the Cobra Officers based on his attention to detail and willingness to obey with unrelenting loyalty. When faced with a virtual explosion in the communication and computer equipment fields, Cobra Commander created the Tele-Vipers, a more specialized group of soldiers, and slowly phased the Electronic Technicians from Cobra's ranks. 

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.