Lt. Brocke

Tele-Viper Commander



Parts Used:

Head, Arms, Waist, Right Leg, Torso: Televiper

Left Leg: Star Corps 


I had a Televiper with a broken leg, and decided not to waste him. I took a star corps figures leg, and painted it as above. 

Lt Brocke was a former CG who was severely injured during the Battle of Cobra Island. He refused to be let go from Cobra, but was unable to serve as a CG any longer. Due to his Masters Degree from MIT in engineering, he was able to transfer into the ranks of the Televipers, where he designed his robotic limb. He insulated his limb so as not to electricute himself, or damage equipment. He quickly became the leader of the Televipers, and has made excellent progress in getting them highly trained, and made entrance $kind=archive;requirements very difficult.

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.