Waterproof Ordinance Modified 
Battle Android Trooper
by Dan Carber

Parts used

  • Head - Lanard Star Corps Figure
  • The Rest - DeeJay


The WOMBAT is a BAT prototype, meant to function primarily at sea, yet also  be of use on land.  Able to function underwater for long periods of time, a WOMBAT can be a terrifying foe indeed. The WOMBAT is equiped with a remote controlled activation system, which can be set to halt or start the internal power system.  This gives Cobra the ability to dump a group of WOMBATs into a body of water,  and then activate them as necessary.  Its 'wings' give it the ability to glide and maneuver underwater like a bird in the sky. The power system is composed of a electro-magnetic pulse generator, strong enough to power a city block for a week.  The cost per WOMBAT exceeds the cost of an entire army of BATS, hence the very low 
 production numbers.  

"The WOMBAT is slow and cumbersome on land, but underwater it is a graceful, deadly machine.  It can pick off a minow at 200 yards, while navigating thru a corel reef unerringly.  If we could get it to do on land what it can do underwater, we'd already rule the world" - Techno-Viper 

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.