Cobra Nightforce Trooper

Parts used: Cobra Trooper '98 head, Voltar torso and arms, Desert Scorpion waist, TARGAT v1 legs

Paintjob: Spray-painted the whole figure black, and painted the face shield red.

Profile: The next generation of Cobra Night Vipers. These troops have built into their uniform Zartan's holographic technology and radar-resistant material. They have special visual equipment built into their helmet, allowing them to see in the dark, the most notable improvement about this feature, is that they will not be blinded by shining a light in their face. These Vipers are the masters of silence and not only because of the
technology in their suits. Storm Shadow himself has trained them to operate without making a sound.
The only Joe who has ever captured a Night Viper is Snake Eyes. Now, G.I.Joe has to fight an army of shadows...

Comments: Another real frankensteiner, but I liked the results. If you're gonna have a Cobra Nightforce, you gotta have troops...

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.