Somebody has to lead the Cobra Vipers in the field, and this guy is ft. More or less the modern equivalent of the old "Cobra Officers", Viper Squad Leaders don't hold much of a higher rank than Vipers themselves  just enough to be given charge of a small platoon or squad of Cobra Vipers. They have no command over specialists such as Snow Serpents or Night-Vipers. They're just one step up from the "gr'mts" themselves that are the Cobra Vipers. Cobra Commander likes to tell Cobra Squad Leaders that they have achieved grand positions of leadership. The truth is that there 5 no many Vipers out there that CC can't be bothered to keep track of them all, and figures that as long as they're out there causing trouble, they're serving Cobra's desires for chaos and conquest, so he finds some Viper that has a little more going for him than the rest of his group, gives him charge and a recolored uniform, and forgets about them.

Personal note: I was basically trying to come up with a more menacing Viper coloration here. I wasn't especially impressed with the 1997 version produced by Hasbro. I did like the green and tan combo that I came up with for my "Dino- Viper", which I'm thinking of renaming as the new Cobra Viper, since his coloration is fairly military without entirely sacrificing the standard Cobra blue in the trim. This Squad Leader is the same way The blue is the trim, and the black and dark grey (which is, in fact "Panzer Grey" so draw your own conclusions) looks decently menacing, military, and commanding at the same time.

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.