by Christopher Rabenberg

Parts used:

  • Head - Scarlett 91
  • Body - Volga 97
  • Rifle - Hawk 00
  • Backpack, Gun - Dial-Tone 00

Character Bio:

Real Name: Lancaster, Margery L
PMF: Infantry
SMF: Close quarters combat
Birthplace: Cheyenne Wyoming

Marge Lancaster is, and always has been, an Unrepentant Tomboy.  Dubbed Large Marge by the local boys, every kid in town knew never to mess with her if unless they want a black eye.  When she hit 18 she joined the Marines, stationed for training at Parris Island.  Gung-Ho pointed her towards the Joes after he witnessed her "educate" several narrow minded corporals on "Affirmative Action".  Qualified for use of all Warsaw Pact Infantry weapons and NATO small arms.

From General Hawks files: "Tough?  What would you call a woman who once rode bulls in Rodeo?  True she is a little rough around the edges, but she is an excellent soldier...when she can keep her temper in check.  On one occasion in her home state, we managed to catch a group of Cobra vipers and a Crimson Guard.  On the way out, the Siege made a smart remark to her, and slapped her bottom...the next day, he woke up in the Prison Infermary with a black eye and his jaw wired shut.

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.