Infrared Combat Specialist
by Dan
Parts used
Head - Clutch '82
Arms - Roadblock v1
Torso, Waist, Legs - Zap '82
Name: DiMarco, Joseph P.
Class leader of his Recon School Joeseph, or Joey as he prefers to be
called, was the kind of kid who would go out of his way to sneak up on
people, just for the sheer fun of it. He got so good at it in fact,
that he had to come up with new and elaborate ways of doing it. While
doing some independant reading on the subject of Infrared, he learned that
there are special materials that an infrared camera doesn't pick up, and
he set to create a uniform out of them. Taking it one
step further, Joey created a camoflauge pattern to blend in with the 'speckeld'
pattern of the infrared image, rendering him invisible to an infrared camera.
"There was this one time, we were spying on some Vipers who were on
the lookout for us. They were searching for us with a pair of those
infrared goggles. Redlight walked right up to him, not even noticed.
I don't think that the viper ever saw what knocked him unconcious" - Flint |