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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Baroness MEDUSA HIGH COUNCIL drbindy
Batgirl a.k.a. Barbara Gordon v3 drbindy
Batgirl Comic Style Crimefighter v4 drbindy
Batman 1966 Adam West version drbindy
Batman Dark Knight Ultimate v4 drbindy
Beach Head Ranger (issue 47) Kwinn_Lives
Beach Head Sea Devils Ranger Kwinn_Lives
Beaver Canadian Patrol Pathfinder Kwinn_Lives
Black Widow Espionage drbindy
Bombstrike Forward Air Controller Kwinn_Lives
Bombstrike Sea Devils Forward Air Controller Kwinn_Lives
Breaker Communications Specialist corpscommandercody
Buck Rogers 80's Style Adventure in the 25th Century drbindy
Buzzer Dreadnok Scrapper Kwinn_Lives
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