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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
DayFang Cobra Island Shore Patrol - Day Ops joemichaels70
Desert Gunship Anti armor troop transport ickzer1
Desert H.I.S.S. Cobra Desert Armor Unit FireFox91
Desert Hiss IV Desert Patrol Tank njmace13
Desert Operations SNAKE Desert Environment Battle Suit/Drone Joeczar
Desert Patrol HISS v5 Cobra's desert team HISS Riz23
Desert Stinger Desert Jeep DREMEL
Desert Viper Attack Tank CobraTheSilencer
Detonator Cobra Battle Corps Tank OreoBuilder
Diamondback Cargo/Troop Transport Plane tkjaer21
Diamondback Rattler Wild Weasel's Private Dogfighter Vanishing Point
Dictator ARES Luxury Command/Parade Car DanOfTheDead
Dominator Ground Unit Cobra Mobile Missile Command Base Alpha 02
Dr. MindSNAKE Mobile Engram Storage Unit Joeczar
Dragon's FANG Assault Helo Otto the Otter
Dreadnought Main battle tank Blood Brigade
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