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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Dagger Recon Jet Anlaschog
Darklon's Evader Darklon's Evader sgcaper
DEMON Tank OreoBuilder
DEMON 2.0 Iron Grenadier Ground Assault Whargoul44
Despoiler Destro's Personal Aircraft Ian
Destro's A.G.D.s Anti-Gravity Drones (Castle Destro Security) joemichaels70
Destro's Devastator Mobile Missile Launcher Phobus
Destro's Fury Urban Assault Vehicle G.I.JAC
Destro's Iron Grenadiers Stahlhelm armored car DREMEL
Destro's LGC Laser Guided Catapult GI_Pacman
Destro's Mech Destro's personal mech suit redredly
Destro's Blitzkrieg Destro's Battle Field Cruiser WiLdBiLl
Disparager (Iron Hawk) Voltar's Battlefied Surveyor VTOL HasbroContinuation
Disseminator Infantry Transport ramonesbootlegs
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