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Codename | Speciality/Blurb | Creator |
E.O.D. Viper | Explosive Ordnance Disposal | The pros from Dover |
E.O.D.B.A.T. | Explosive Ordnance Disposal B.A.T. | The pros from Dover |
Eclipse | Blackstar Trooper | Phobus |
Eel | Cobra Frogman | Kwinn_Lives |
Eel | Another Minor Alteration (LBC) | a.dream.deferred |
Eel | Stealth Moray Crew | joemichaels70 |
EEL | Super BAT EEL | sgcaper |
Eel | Cobra Underwater Operations | OreoBuilder |
Eel | Cobra Frogman/Underwater Demolitions | CrimsonGuard |
Eel | Frogman | Kwinn_Lives |
Eel | Underwater Demolitions | Kwinn_Lives |
EEL | Cobra S.E.A.L. | Keenan |
Eel Toxin | Cobra Underwater Eco Specialist | BadAsh |
Eel-et | Cobra SEAL | yjagg |
Eels | Cobra Diver | carnage717 |
Eels | Python Patrol Diver | StevieSNLD |
EELs | Naval infantry in land fatigues. | RedLasersArmy |
Eels | Alley Viper Division | Thal J. |
Eels (Tiburon) | Cobra Diver/ Team Leader | husker85 |
Eels Commander | Underwater Commander | TARGAT |
Eels Officer | Underwater Operations | TARGAT |
El Desperado | Assassin, UFF fighter, Mercenary | Oneforceleader |
Electric Eel | Cobra Island (Moray) Security | joemichaels70 |
Electrocutioner | electroshock "therapy" | millsy |
Elite Alley Viper | U.S.A. Covert Operations | Rick Wheeler |
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