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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Ibraham Mossad Team Leader past nastification
Ice Cube Rapper / Bounty Hunter john_mounier
Ice Man Undercover Agent Oneforce Oneforceleader
Ice Wurm Subterranean Inhabitant sgcaper
Iceman X- Man Dark Horse
Icepick Arctic Adventurer OreoBuilder
Igor Loyal Assistant sgcaper
Iguanus MIndbender Mutation alleyviperelite
Imber Ferro Lady at the King's Court drbindy
Imber Ferro Space Pirate drbindy
Imhotep Pre-Mummy drbindy
Immortal Personal Guard joemichaels70
Imperial Hangar Crew Deck Officer Imperial Flight Crew The Spectre
Imperial Hangar Crew Flight Controller Imperial Flight Crew The Spectre
Imperial Hangar Crew Signalman Imperial Flight Crew The Spectre
Imperial Hangar Crew Troopers Imperial Flight Crew (Typical) The Spectre
Impulse Young Speedster icecreamman
Inch High Private Eye sgcaper
Incision Night Creeper Archer alleyviperelite
Incredible Hulk Superhero
Indiana Jones Archeologist ibps
Indiana Jones Archeologist/Adventurer Dark Horse
Indiana Jones Archaeologist/Adventurer Kambei
Indiana Jones Archaeologist/Adventurer Kambei
Indiana Jones Archaeologist Sizemore77
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