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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Lara Croft Tomb Raider drbindy
Leviathan Q Force Deep Sea Defender Fozzie
Leviathan Deep Sea Diver HypnoHustler
Leviathan & Lloyd Deep Sea Defender & Sea Turtle Buddy past nastification
Lieutenant Dolphin Q Force Commander Robrauder
Lifesaver Medic mshadow
Lightning Special Weapons Force (Gunner) past nastification
Lion Legion Etrangere Capitan Ferco
Longshot Urban Sniper raptor
Longslide Recon & Surveillance Kwinn_Lives
Lt Lion Legion Etrangere Capitan Ferco
Lt Quarrel Covert operation/ Infill exfill Pilot Silent Master
Lt. Skip SAS Officer danielb
Lt. Stone Experimental Aircraft Pilot past nastification
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