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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
M.A.R.S. AIR B.A.T. Iron Grenadier/M.A.R.S. Jetpack B.A.T. bcost74
M.A.R.S. Industries Officer Corporate Security Leader Phobus
M.A.R.S. Industries Trooper Corporate Security Phobus
Metal Head Anti Armor danielb
Metal Head BANG! Morgardee
Metal Head Missile Attack bucky
Metal Head Destro's Anti-Tank Specialist icecreamman
Metal-Head Iron Grenadier Anti-Armor Specialist Kwinn_Lives
Metal-Head Iron Grenadier Anti-Armor Specialist Kwinn_Lives
Metal-Head Destro's Anti-Tank Specialist dr robzola
Metal-Head Anti-Tank Specialist russdawg
Metal-Head Anti-Tank Specialist Spin Doctor
Metal-Head Anti-Tank Specialist Spin Doctor
Metal-Head Anti-Armor Specialist Sgt Humpty
Metal-Head Anti Armour Specialist toy-nutz
Metal-Head Explosives Expert Exulted Unicron
Metal-Head Destro's Anti-Tank Specialist Ian
Metal-Head Iron Grenadier's Feld Officer theunknown
Metal-Head Anti-armor FireFly
Metalhead Anti-Tank HypnoHustler
Metalhead Heavy Weapons G.I.JAC
Metalhead Iron Grenadiers Weapons Expert alleyviperelite
Midas TARGAT Elite Vanishing Point
Misstress Armada Commander Veronica Mars
Mistress Armada Intelligence PoetFlint
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