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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
R.U.B.I. Red Laser Weapon of Mass Destruction joemichaels70
R2-BEAT-U Blue Laser Robot Bodyguard joemichaels70
Ra's Al Ghul Demons Head Sharkbait
Race Bannon Protector of Jonny Quest Sizemore77
Race Bannon Asset Protection past nastification
Race Bannon Adventure Team Security drbindy
Racer X Race Car Driver / Spy Greymalkin
Rachel Dawes Gotham Deputy Prosecutor drbindy
Racketeer Galaxy Guardian joemichaels70
Rage Mutant Agent Hammer Oneforceleader
Ragnar Phoenix Guard Agent alleyviperelite
Raiden Mortal Kombat Fighter kramer 70
Raider Sgt Rock Soldier in Camoflage OreoBuilder
Raider Sgt Rock Soldier OreoBuilder
Rain Water Dragon Clan Ninja Oneforceleader
Rain Ninja Lance Sputnik
Ram Man Masters of the Universe kramer 70
Ram Man MOTU Hero Sizemore77
Ramar Captive Gladiator past nastification
Ramar and Selena Slaves of the Cobra Master (30th style) Hard-er Master
Rambo Force of Freedom Leader Sizemore77
Rambo Force of Freedom Leader Sizemore77
Rambo Soldier of Fortune OreoBuilder
Rambo Green Beret mshadow
Rambo First blood part ll kramer 70
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