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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
S-70E Black Hawk "Ma Bell" PMC/Civilian Police Variant PFunk
S.H.A.R.C Jungle SHARC RGregory
S.H.A.R.C. Submersible High-speed Attack and Recon jon7351
S.P.T.T.E.R. Hiss Tank Conversion indrox1
S.T.O.M.P.E.R. Monster Truck VAMP pluv
S.W.O.R.D FISH Small Naval Attack/Recon Craft arsh81
Sabre Wolf F-86X All-weather interceptor AntonioDR
Salty Wench, The Land Yacht pluv
Sand Darter High Speed Sentry Car (desert ops) Doc Rob
Sandfighter Low Altitude Bomber Alpha 02
Sandstorm Desert tank opiewan1
Sandstorm XM48A1 MBT (Main Battle Tank) tristanx
Sandtread Fast Attack Tank ebolt1
Scout Humvee Support Vehicle Blacksheep
Sea Cat Adventure Team Mini Sub toy-nutz
Sea Wolf 50th Anniversary Sea Wolf OreoBuilder
Sea Wolf Rescue / Support Craft ZombieGuide
Sea Wolf II Adventure Team mini Sub toy-nutz
Seahog TF3AV Fast Attack Watercraft tristanx
SEAL Underwater Insertion Vehicle Underwater Insertion sgcaper
Security Hummer ZedCon Base Hummer Scrap-Iron
Sergeant Kup Transformers Crossover Dusty79
Shadow L.I.F.T. G.I. Joe Stealth Fighter J_Man
SHARK 9000 Battle Corps Attack Boat OreoBuilder
Shipwreck's Santa Maria Taking out Cobra Eels KeepItCleanCustoms
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